Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Adoptions of App Culture (5th September 2012)
Interesting to see how fast app culture has come about into society and the rate of adoption along adults as well as younger members of society. With the main market being for men and young adults adapting cleanly to the internet technology. I wonder how similar this is to over new media inventions like texting, internet?

Internet Adoption Rate
Sourced -

From this graph I understand that there was a big rush for some people to get it for the first couple of years, (Could be people interested in technology? Businesses) then later on people everyone else followed. With nearly 80% of over 18 years old having access to the internet and being born with it in their early years. It makes me wonder if it only natural for the amount of adoption to app culture. Be interesting to find out the statistics for the social network sign ups and rough demographic.

From this I understand that people with education and money seem to has slightly higher access to internet compared to lower socio economic groups. But the most important thing to be taken from this data that 94% of 18-29 are internet users! Which can be linked back to the data for apps with younger people and males using this. I need to look for English data rather using American, as the social discourse might result in different results. This might be suggesting that people bought up within this culture of computers and internet are naturally using it all the time.

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