"The interaction & feedback this generates are conclusive to the promotion of shared values & relationships of Trust" The quote talks about facebook fan pages in the context of the social capital model created from this articles research. It talks about how there are basic requirements for a fan page to be revisited and used rather than just "liking it" and not capture the audiences attention. The group needs to have shared values with the audience for example with chocolate brand then the more updates of interest (images/films/samples) will causes more interaction leading onto more trust. This motivates the relationship more and generates consumer trust. The fan page need to keep the shared value up as this allows the continued two way relationship between the brand/product and the niche audience on facebook and keep it consistent. "Corporations are able to change fans in the virtual world into costumers at physical storefronts" but how true is this really? What percentage are then willing to depend from their capital?
The item I take most away is, Its not about them just liking it, need them to be involved within it. But why has this started to occur? Is it because of the rise of technology allowing us to interact? or has something else happen to cause this change in consumers?
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