Thursday, 15 November 2012

Body Form Study Continued.
accessed on the 15th November 2012
accessed on the 15th November 2012
accessed on the 15th November 2012
accessed on the 15th November 2012

Here is the Body Forms facebook page using the new timeline layout (forced use since august 2012). Here you can see the large cover photo with a new cover of the the anti myth of period campaign which was created from Richard Neills rant on this wall. I was interested to find out if this was made in house or approach to a specialist agency?
The above screen shot of body forms facebook page shows the launch of the video but also Richard Neills respond. In this case Richard is not a super fan but a joker who wanted to make a point however like the article from (below posting) says "Most successful brands today are not only pushing content but also pulling content directly from fans and influencers that help them tell the whole story" David Dowd. The article also talks about rewarding the super fans and here it states them will reward his actions and here it states that they will. Which will encourage other people to try to think of clever and twitty things to get noticed and to get responses. 

 This article posted on AdFreaks gives an over view of the story. It is interesting Richards Neill point of trying to make Bodyform responsable for their "missing leading" advertising. Is this the consumer making the brands more accountable? Is facebook opened up the true avenue for clear and simple communication between the consumer and brand? It is great form of social capital theory with Bodyform exploring the shared value aspect of that they were telling a myth, but was the truth to hard to handle. With over 84,000 likes of when this article was written show it has hit a clear online audience. The video itself is a humourness and light hearted joke with a more personalised and focus towards the actually person who bought up the issue. Which is a great as it could make the consumer feel like they are actually important?

Taken off the front page of Rubber Republic website (Online advertising network/viral ad network) who helped to produce and create the idea of this video. For a start it shows there is business to be hard for an agency to specialise in work like this. It all states leading publications like the Huffington Post and Jezebel have featured the story showing how clever interaction with consumers can really create a story that spreads around the world and gets people interested and engaged within a brand.

Carat is a Media planning and buying specialist and leading play in digital and non-traditional media solutions. In their blog they talk about similar things to as Rubber Republic.
"Carat has created an original and uniquely personalised response, allowing Bodyform to quickly engage in consumer conversations in a meaningful way" Body form
I thought this quote was really interesting as this seems to be the way forward for brands to make consumers feel their interactions are meaningful to everyone involved and not just more background noise to a company or audience. The posting also talks about the video expands on Bodyforms rich and long history by referencing itself throughout the advert from a range of its campaigns across its corporate life.

Has this "response" opened the doors for what is possible all brands looking to benefit from social media.

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