Tuesday, 8 January 2013

History of Social Networking

Accessed 8th January 2013

The Internet was primarily design and made as a structure for communities to communicate with one another. "computer networking was initially envisioned in the heyday of the Beatles as a military-centric command and control scheme". An early form of communication for the normal hobbyist was Bulletin Board system which allowed user to share items with the community from code, pictures and files. Sites like classmates.com was built on existing communities that went to school together. It feels that most social network were built from offline communities from Facebook with universities to myspace to musical performers in California. 

Mobile Ads Facebook

Accessed 8th January 2013
This article really shows the growth of mobile advertising but also the amount of volume of users Facebook must be receiving from mobile and tablet platforms due to this need in advertising. Mobiles and tablets received 20% of face books spend on adverts, which must mean over a fifth of people use Facebook from their mobile deceives.
Kenshoo CMO Aaron Goldman said the amount of Facebook mobile ad spend will increase over time. “The world’s top brands have embraced Facebook mobile advertising and we expect the channel to become increasingly competitive as new devices, like those on display at the Consumer Electronics Show this week, deliver enhanced interactive experiences,” he said.
I think this is interesting due to the how brands are embracing and going to embrace mobile advertising even further due to the audience that is there. Aaron Goldman says that "deliver enhanced interactive experiences" which seems to suggest that adverts are going to become more interactive and engaging to grab the user attention.

Overview 2001 - 2011

Accessed 8th January 2013 (pages from 2004 to 2011)

Below is a quick and rough overview of what has happen since the launch of Myspace and Facebook to understand the context of the time.

-USA refuses to sign the Kyoto agreement
-9/11 terrorist attacks on NYC
-California experiences electricity hikes of 46% causing black outs then electricity company files for bankruptcy protection
-Tony Blair is re elected
-Museums entry is made free in the UK
-Wikipedia is launched
-The iPod is released
-Windows XP is released
(Harry Potter and Pearl Harbor films)

-Euro become official currency of some member states
-Kmart files for Bankrupty protection
-Queen mother dies
-Untied airlines files for bankruptcy protection
-Water found on Mars
(Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings films)

-Invasion of Iraq
-Toyata overtakes Chrysler (as #3 car manfactur)
-Sucide bombing across the arab world and in India
-Space shuttle explodes on re entry
-US & Canada experience blackout
-Last commercial flight of concord
(Lord of the Rings and Bruce almighty films)

-No weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Torture by US troops in Iraq
-George Bush is re elected for second term
-High US fuel prices
(Harry Potter and Shrek 2 films)

-Hurriance Katrina
-Rise oil prices
-Tony Blair re elected for third term
-Civil partnership allowed in the UK
-London Bombings
-fire at oil refinery UK
-Super jumbo jet flys
(Harry Potter, Hitch, War of the Worlds, Star wars films)

-Iran intends to build nuclear bomb
-North Korea Nuclear bomb
-CIA Sercet Prisions - Torture
-US seaports bought by middle eastern companies
-one billionth song off iTunes
-google buys youtube
(V for vendelta, Pirates of the Caribean 2, CSI media)

-School shooting with 37 people dying
-Wembley Staduim completed
-Troops withdrawn from Basra
-Gordon Brown becomes PM for UK
-Terrorist attack on Glasgow Airport
-Bank of England bails out Northern Rock
-US housing bubble pops
-iPhone launched & iTouch
(I am legend, Pirate of the Caribbean films)

-Western finical instituatons faulter
-Bank of America nearly bankrupted
-Citi group makes a loss
-Fed cuts interest rates
-$150bn stimulus package for US economy
-General Motors reports largest loss ever
-Oil prices at all time high
-$700bn US bail out bill
-Macbook air launched
-Microsoft trys to buy yahoo
-Obama is elected on a  wave of hope

-Unemployment is high and finical crisis continues
-Michael Jackson dies
-Russia shuts off gas to europe
-Icelandic banking structure collapses
-G20 finical meetings
-North Korea carries out more nuclear tests
-US airplane lands in the River Hudson
-3G networks grow
(Harry Potter & Ice Age films)

-Deep recession and unemployment
-US health bill passed
-More troops in Afghanistan
-Iran push on with bomb
-Worlds tallest building completed
-iPhone 4 released
-iPad released
-Andriod phones growing in popularity
-Justin Beiber discover via youtube

-Nuclear Disaster in Japan
-Burma becoming more democratic
-Norway terrorist bombing and shootings
-Arab spring via social networks and internet
-UK riots caused by shooting of a man by police
-Can be outwardly gay in the US Army
-Occupy Wall Street Movements
-Withdrawal from Iraq
-iPhone 4s
-Steve Jobs dies
-New Andriod OS
-First sythenic organ transplant
-First commercial space port opens
-Royal wedding
-Kim Jong ll dies

Starbucks Tax and Response

Accessed 8th January 2013
Accessed 8th January 2013
Accessed 8th January 2013

Currently in the news is that Starbucks had been avoiding paying any tax on their business causing huge public outcry and protests. I am interested how Starbucks use social media to express their thoughts to their audience and their audience saying theirs.

Starbucks did not make any comment on their taxes on their Facebook feed when I check on the 8th January 2013. I thought this was amusing as a lot of their customer had.
This post from Starbucks Facebook page was interesting due to the argument between supports and angry customers of Starbucks. This is interesting as the supports are arguing Starbucks position for them and standing up to the angry users. This really shows off the brand loyalty that has been created and is used towards their benefit. These arguments go on most of their latest posting since the scandal appeared. Interestingly enough Starbucks doesn't seem to have tried to counter act peoples thoughts on this page however I have seen new television adverts.

As highlighted these comments and stories are getting a great deal of coverage from people interacting with the story. "no such thing as bad publicity" which might be true for Starbucks as they will ride this issue off but people will have been exposed to two months of mouth and have become more knowledgable to Starbucks and its services.

I wanted to look at their twitter feed quickly to see if Starbucks had mentioned anything about the tax avoidance on that feed. There was only one story linking to their website talking about the changes they would make from all the negative press and feedback they had received. I was hoping for something like this on Facebook but sadly nothing. What I thought was really interesting was all the offers they were giving consumers in the Christmas run up. I am unsure if this was already planned for Christmas or something done to create some positive word of mouth and get people back into their stores with a positive story to share with others.

Friday, 4 January 2013

History of Myspace

Accessed 4th January 2013

This article explores the history of myspace from its launch until 2008. The most interesting part of this article is how the two founders saw the potential in friendster.com which lead them to developing myspace with its range of customisation to make their profile more of an representation of who the users is. They also built their website on existing communities for example the music scheme in south calforiana at the time.

What I really need to be looking at is. What was happening in the world at this time? What was the context for all these sites?

History of Facebook, continues

Accessed 4th January
- 1 million users
- Facebook photos launched
-6 million users
-12 million users
-App platform open to developers
-Sells 1.6% of itself to Microsoft for $240million
-Facebook chat launched
-Facebook connected launched (allows you to log into other websites with your Facebook account)
-Like button launched
-Beats myspace for amount of users
-Launches check in
-Social Network the film is released
-608 million users
-Video calls within chat
-Timeline launched
-845million users
-Buys instagram for $1billion
-Floats company

History of Facebook

Accessed 4th January 2013
Accessed 4th January 2013
Accessed 4th January 2013

This posting from "history of Facebook.com" gives a rough account of the story behind Facebook.

According to Facebook, 

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Why companies watch us?

Accessed on the 3rd January

This article from the bbc news website explore how companies are becoming more active in social media due to wanting to influence and keep of track on word of mouth about them from their audience/consumers. Companies want positive words of mouth to keep sales and share price growing but with negative news can lead to these tumbling. With consumer being able to share their views further and louder across social media has created a shift towards consumer power. 
This has lead to companies wanting to monitor what is being said and shared bout them. However analysis programs have issues with context and regional use of language. But when successful these pieces of software can measure peoples moods towards the brand and the trends that according across the platform. 

An important question Tom Austin arises in they articles is what are companies trying to learn/gain from being on facebook? Without this focus it seems pointless for a company to invest much time into social media. 
He continues and states that companies might not be able to sell their product directly on the site but they are able to create a passion for the product. This is only successful if it not done through a hard sell, if people wanted this they would watch the adverts or go direct to you. 
The most important piece taken from this article is, Does your message and content add value to your audience and your companies image?

Another thing is rewarding key contributes, as they will be more willing to spread the word further. Plus more people will want to try to get rewarded by the company. Explain of this virgin giving out free  flights to key contributors.

Another important aspect Austin states is that you need to be flexible as everything can happen due to face books instant nature. 
"Your model has to be continual adapted."

Starbucks wants to be our friend.

Accessed 3rd January
A short selection of video from BBCs CLICK reporter Rory Cellan-Jones who explores why companies are wanting us to interact with them on social media platforms. Dary Willson-Rymer from Starbucks says there has been an "erosion of trust with large institutions" over the years and being a more transparent and open company is the best way of regaining that trust. This is suggested to be done through social capital on Facebook as it is the best to conumicate with the customer according to Wilson-Rymer. Starbucks does not advertise in the traditional fashion but uses social networks to create a two way dialogue with its audience from discussing services, debate products and have a general "hang out on the web". This way the companies do not seem to become across as "tone deaf" like a television or billboard advert might do.
Towards the end of the video Cellen-Jones explores the company isoft who is obsessed with its analytic and what is being said about them on the internet. But the question is what are they really learning from it? Starbucks suggests they are learning what people really think and want.

Instragram selling images

Accessed 3rd January

The upcoming change in Instagrams term and conditions allow for them to sell your images but also information to advertisers. This information ranges from what hardware you use (deceive, phone, tablet), your location, you content you create and others items which is stored and can be passed onto advertisers or Facebook. This seems to allow Facebook to create an analyse the user and this can be sold to business or use as demographic data. The advertisers are allowed to your use your content and name and I guess Facebook gains revenue to this access of information. 
Facebook and Instagram say this gathering of information and analysis will allow them to fight spam on their framework but also improve it through studying the way we use the sites and make it more efficient and allow new features. But I guess that this is more focused on trying to find a way of making money from their $1billion purchase.