Accessed 8th January 2013 (pages from 2004 to 2011)
Below is a quick and rough overview of what has happen since the launch of Myspace and Facebook to understand the context of the time.
-USA refuses to sign the Kyoto agreement
-9/11 terrorist attacks on NYC
-California experiences electricity hikes of 46% causing black outs then electricity company files for bankruptcy protection
-Tony Blair is re elected
-Museums entry is made free in the UK
-Wikipedia is launched
-The iPod is released
-Windows XP is released
(Harry Potter and Pearl Harbor films)
-Euro become official currency of some member states
-Kmart files for Bankrupty protection
-Queen mother dies
-Untied airlines files for bankruptcy protection
-Water found on Mars
(Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings films)
-Invasion of Iraq
-Toyata overtakes Chrysler (as #3 car manfactur)
-Sucide bombing across the arab world and in India
-Space shuttle explodes on re entry
-US & Canada experience blackout
-Last commercial flight of concord
(Lord of the Rings and Bruce almighty films)
-No weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Torture by US troops in Iraq
-George Bush is re elected for second term
-High US fuel prices
(Harry Potter and Shrek 2 films)
-Hurriance Katrina
-Rise oil prices
-Tony Blair re elected for third term
-Civil partnership allowed in the UK
-London Bombings
-fire at oil refinery UK
-Super jumbo jet flys
(Harry Potter, Hitch, War of the Worlds, Star wars films)
-Iran intends to build nuclear bomb
-North Korea Nuclear bomb
-CIA Sercet Prisions - Torture
-US seaports bought by middle eastern companies
-one billionth song off iTunes
-google buys youtube
(V for vendelta, Pirates of the Caribean 2, CSI media)
-School shooting with 37 people dying
-Wembley Staduim completed
-Troops withdrawn from Basra
-Gordon Brown becomes PM for UK
-Terrorist attack on Glasgow Airport
-Bank of England bails out Northern Rock
-US housing bubble pops
-iPhone launched & iTouch
(I am legend, Pirate of the Caribbean films)
-Western finical instituatons faulter
-Bank of America nearly bankrupted
-Citi group makes a loss
-Fed cuts interest rates
-$150bn stimulus package for US economy
-General Motors reports largest loss ever
-Oil prices at all time high
-$700bn US bail out bill
-Macbook air launched
-Microsoft trys to buy yahoo
-Obama is elected on a wave of hope
-Unemployment is high and finical crisis continues
-Michael Jackson dies
-Russia shuts off gas to europe
-Icelandic banking structure collapses
-G20 finical meetings
-North Korea carries out more nuclear tests
-US airplane lands in the River Hudson
-3G networks grow
(Harry Potter & Ice Age films)
-Deep recession and unemployment
-US health bill passed
-More troops in Afghanistan
-Iran push on with bomb
-Worlds tallest building completed
-iPhone 4 released
-iPad released
-Andriod phones growing in popularity
-Justin Beiber discover via youtube
-Nuclear Disaster in Japan
-Burma becoming more democratic
-Norway terrorist bombing and shootings
-Arab spring via social networks and internet
-UK riots caused by shooting of a man by police
-Can be outwardly gay in the US Army
-Occupy Wall Street Movements
-Withdrawal from Iraq
-iPhone 4s
-Steve Jobs dies
-New Andriod OS
-First sythenic organ transplant
-First commercial space port opens
-Royal wedding
-Kim Jong ll dies
Accessed 8th January 2013 (pages from 2004 to 2011)
Below is a quick and rough overview of what has happen since the launch of Myspace and Facebook to understand the context of the time.
-USA refuses to sign the Kyoto agreement
-9/11 terrorist attacks on NYC
-California experiences electricity hikes of 46% causing black outs then electricity company files for bankruptcy protection
-Tony Blair is re elected
-Museums entry is made free in the UK
-Wikipedia is launched
-The iPod is released
-Windows XP is released
(Harry Potter and Pearl Harbor films)
-Euro become official currency of some member states
-Kmart files for Bankrupty protection
-Queen mother dies
-Untied airlines files for bankruptcy protection
-Water found on Mars
(Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings films)
-Invasion of Iraq
-Toyata overtakes Chrysler (as #3 car manfactur)
-Sucide bombing across the arab world and in India
-Space shuttle explodes on re entry
-US & Canada experience blackout
-Last commercial flight of concord
(Lord of the Rings and Bruce almighty films)
-No weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Torture by US troops in Iraq
-George Bush is re elected for second term
-High US fuel prices
(Harry Potter and Shrek 2 films)
-Hurriance Katrina
-Rise oil prices
-Tony Blair re elected for third term
-Civil partnership allowed in the UK
-London Bombings
-fire at oil refinery UK
-Super jumbo jet flys
(Harry Potter, Hitch, War of the Worlds, Star wars films)
-Iran intends to build nuclear bomb
-North Korea Nuclear bomb
-CIA Sercet Prisions - Torture
-US seaports bought by middle eastern companies
-one billionth song off iTunes
-google buys youtube
(V for vendelta, Pirates of the Caribean 2, CSI media)
-School shooting with 37 people dying
-Wembley Staduim completed
-Troops withdrawn from Basra
-Gordon Brown becomes PM for UK
-Terrorist attack on Glasgow Airport
-Bank of England bails out Northern Rock
-US housing bubble pops
-iPhone launched & iTouch
(I am legend, Pirate of the Caribbean films)
-Western finical instituatons faulter
-Bank of America nearly bankrupted
-Citi group makes a loss
-Fed cuts interest rates
-$150bn stimulus package for US economy
-General Motors reports largest loss ever
-Oil prices at all time high
-$700bn US bail out bill
-Macbook air launched
-Microsoft trys to buy yahoo
-Obama is elected on a wave of hope
-Unemployment is high and finical crisis continues
-Michael Jackson dies
-Russia shuts off gas to europe
-Icelandic banking structure collapses
-G20 finical meetings
-North Korea carries out more nuclear tests
-US airplane lands in the River Hudson
-3G networks grow
(Harry Potter & Ice Age films)
-Deep recession and unemployment
-US health bill passed
-More troops in Afghanistan
-Iran push on with bomb
-Worlds tallest building completed
-iPhone 4 released
-iPad released
-Andriod phones growing in popularity
-Justin Beiber discover via youtube
-Nuclear Disaster in Japan
-Burma becoming more democratic
-Norway terrorist bombing and shootings
-Arab spring via social networks and internet
-UK riots caused by shooting of a man by police
-Can be outwardly gay in the US Army
-Occupy Wall Street Movements
-Withdrawal from Iraq
-iPhone 4s
-Steve Jobs dies
-New Andriod OS
-First sythenic organ transplant
-First commercial space port opens
-Royal wedding
-Kim Jong ll dies
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