Accessed 8th January 2013
Accessed 8th January 2013
Accessed 8th January 2013
Starbucks did not make any comment on their taxes on their Facebook feed when I check on the 8th January 2013. I thought this was amusing as a lot of their customer had.
Accessed 8th January 2013
Accessed 8th January 2013
Accessed 8th January 2013
Currently in the news is that Starbucks had been avoiding paying any tax on their business causing huge public outcry and protests. I am interested how Starbucks use social media to express their thoughts to their audience and their audience saying theirs.
Starbucks did not make any comment on their taxes on their Facebook feed when I check on the 8th January 2013. I thought this was amusing as a lot of their customer had.
This post from Starbucks Facebook page was interesting due to the argument between supports and angry customers of Starbucks. This is interesting as the supports are arguing Starbucks position for them and standing up to the angry users. This really shows off the brand loyalty that has been created and is used towards their benefit. These arguments go on most of their latest posting since the scandal appeared. Interestingly enough Starbucks doesn't seem to have tried to counter act peoples thoughts on this page however I have seen new television adverts.
As highlighted these comments and stories are getting a great deal of coverage from people interacting with the story. "no such thing as bad publicity" which might be true for Starbucks as they will ride this issue off but people will have been exposed to two months of mouth and have become more knowledgable to Starbucks and its services.
I wanted to look at their twitter feed quickly to see if Starbucks had mentioned anything about the tax avoidance on that feed. There was only one story linking to their website talking about the changes they would make from all the negative press and feedback they had received. I was hoping for something like this on Facebook but sadly nothing. What I thought was really interesting was all the offers they were giving consumers in the Christmas run up. I am unsure if this was already planned for Christmas or something done to create some positive word of mouth and get people back into their stores with a positive story to share with others.
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