Thursday, 3 January 2013

Instragram selling images

Accessed 3rd January

The upcoming change in Instagrams term and conditions allow for them to sell your images but also information to advertisers. This information ranges from what hardware you use (deceive, phone, tablet), your location, you content you create and others items which is stored and can be passed onto advertisers or Facebook. This seems to allow Facebook to create an analyse the user and this can be sold to business or use as demographic data. The advertisers are allowed to your use your content and name and I guess Facebook gains revenue to this access of information. 
Facebook and Instagram say this gathering of information and analysis will allow them to fight spam on their framework but also improve it through studying the way we use the sites and make it more efficient and allow new features. But I guess that this is more focused on trying to find a way of making money from their $1billion purchase.

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